Bonita & Bonitasoft  - 1 min

OK 2021 - bring it on!

OK 2021 - bring it on!
December 31, 2020

Like so many folks right now, we're looking forward to 2020 being over, and to starting anew in 2021.

But January 1 is just a date on a calendar. Nothing really changes, it's not magic, life goes on! We forge ahead, riding out the tough times and enjoying the good ones.

Because while this past year was difficult, it still contained successes, accomplishments, and moments of joy, in small and large ways.

All through 2020, here at Bonitasoft, we continued to build and solidify our many relationships: with our community, customers, partners, service providers, and with each other.

We learned to work together in new and creative ways. We survived and even thrived as a team. We supported each other and celebrated milestones. 

We carried on collectively to build, and innovate, and deliver value to our customers and community, and we're looking forward to proudly sharing the results of our teamwork on our Bonita platform and services very soon.

We hope you will fondly remember the positives that 2020 brought, and wish for you a 2021 that brings many good moments to savor among the challenges that we're sure to encounter.

OK, 2021 we're ready for you, bring it on!


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