Bonita & Bonitasoft  - 3min

Meet Boigny, financial controller & professional footballer!

Meet Boigny, financial controller & professional footballer!
November 05, 2019

Boigny has been a financial controller at Bonitasoft since February 2019.

He works in close collaboration with the Director of Finance and Administration and the company’s accountant. He monitors turnover and cash flow, participates in the monthly closing of accounts, and monitors budget and KPIs via reporting.

Bonitasoft in 3 words, according to Boigny: technology, flexibility and a good team spirit.

Boigny is also a professional footballer (soccer player) and Bonitasoft allows him to combine these two activities, his financial expertise controller and his passion for football, through working part time.

Boigny's favorite quote is that of Kahlil Gibran: "All knowledge is vain if there is no work, and all work is empty if there is no love."

See this video of Boigny explaining his role and more, in his own words - in French!

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