Bonita & Bonitasoft  - 3min

The Bonitasoft recruiting team in the field!

The Bonitasoft recruiting team in the field!
February 11, 2020

Bonitasoft had a strong presence at Snow Camp 2020, an annual conference in Grenoble France that attracts academic and company developers and other IT for workshops, presentations and fun in the snow.

The Grenoble offices were quite empty for the 2 days of Snow Camp technical content, as our R&D team attended many of the sessions and stopped by our booth to meet and greet. They attend conferences around France, the US and even abroad quite regularly as they have confirmed that conferences are a great way to keep current with what’s happening in technology worldwide.

Our human resources was at Snow Camp too, in the person of Marie Mallasi, Bonitasoft expert recruitment manager. She is often out in the field, scouting for great talent to add to our Bonitasoft team. If you didn’t have a chance to speak with her and you would like to…she’ll be at Devoxx in Paris and at MiXiT in Lyon, both in April.

Or, you can check our Careers page and send us a CV.

No, this isn’t Marie - it’s our Developer Advocate Antoine showing off our Bonitasoft Snow Camp booth during a slow moment!


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