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How process automation accelerates digital transformation in the public sector

How process automation accelerates digital transformation in the public sector
February 29, 2024



Faced with an aging software base, budgetary and personnel reductions, the public sector is still obligated to operate efficiently. This means accelerated digital transformation projects to improve employee productivity, meet citizen demands, and adhere to increasingly stringent regulatory constraints. At the heart of this transformation, the automation of complex processes is emerging as essential, as automation offers a way to meet to current challenges of the public sector as well as paving the way towards more agile and more efficient processes.

In a public sector seeking productivity, the first obstacle to overcome is presented by the human element. Successive budget reductions have led to a significant reduction in staff numbers, posing a major challenge in terms of operational efficiency. The second challenge lies in aging software. Public agencies may be relying on 10 or 15 year old solutions that are often no longer maintainable. With reduced staff numbers, modernizing the information systems software may take even more of a back seat: “we make do with what we have.”

Process automation supports better operations

In this context, the adoption of a process automation tool (such as a BPM - Business Process Management platform) makes it possible to accelerate, while adapting to the pace of IT changes.

Such tools, particularly those based on the BPMN standard, facilitate the automation and more efficient management of workflows, even the most complex ones such as in ministries, public industrial and commercial institutions, or government agencies. They are particularly effective for the management of HR or financial processes where there are multiple levels of validation necessary in some procedures. These solutions also offer excellent connectivity to Single Sign On (SSO) connection protocols (such as France Connect for example) to collect, manage, and secure the data necessary for these services.

BPM tools equipped with advanced interfacing capabilities facilitates integration of automated processes with the organization's existing information systems. A smaller workforce can effectively manage a larger number of applications.

IT teams who implemented a process automation solution using a BPM platform reported an average of 25% development time savings when compared to traditional development. The team can easily learn to use the platform with the development framework. Process automation tools also promote collaboration between developers and business users. A graphical interface allows Both teams use the graphical interface to visualize the sequence of tasks, see how the data is entered and treated, etc. Further, the processes automated with BPM technology are traceable and auditable in the event of an inspection.

There is also a positive impact on cost. Beyond saving time and money, the use of a BPM tool meets the challenge of continuous improvement for public sector stakeholders. Automating processes previously carried out manually helps to limit human errors and guarantee the quality of the operations. For example, in an internal support service, automating the request tracking and ticket tracing processes ensures both better control of information in real-time and employee satisfaction.



Interconnection, data security and national sovereignty

The benefits of process automation tools are not limited to ease of use. They also offer seamless integration with existing systems and adaptability to the specific needs of the public sector. A flexible BPM platform should offer customizable interfaces and configuration options that allow users of all technical skills to easily adopt it. This guarantees increased efficiency at all levels of administration.

Some of these solutions manage data securely with a GDPR module, and others according to ISO 27001 standards. Certifications such as ISO 27001 are indicators which attest that a tool allows secure and reliable data management, crucial in a context of digital transformation involving personal or sensitive information. A good BPM solution integrates advanced encryption, real-time monitoring, and immediate incident response capabilities, ensuring maximum protection for particularly sensitive activities.

INational sovereign systems can hold strategic importance for certain data. Automation tools must also be backed by storage and processing solutions that respect boundaries; for example, sensitive data never leaves the country and is managed in accordance with national and European regulations. Here again, it is important to question the storage strategy to adopt: on-premise, private cloud, and so on.



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