The Bonita 2023.1 beta version has been released and is available for download!
Try Bonita 2023.1 before its final release, and give us your feedback. Here's what you need to know.
With this major release of Bonita, we’re introducing the very first technical additions that will enable a brand-new approach for deploying and managing Bonita applications: Self-Contained Applications.
Self-Contained Applications will deliver fully containerized deployment capabilities for individual, independent Bonita applications. The evolutionary approach to enable Self-Contained Apps begins with Bonita Central, the management tool to monitor and control all Bonita applications.
Bonita Central also allows Bonita Enterprise users who switch from using multi-tenancy (now fully removed from this version) to the multi-runtime capability of Bonita 2023.1 to have a centralized view of their Bonita application portfolio. Something for Bonita Enterprise users to try with this beta version!
What you'll find in Bonita 2023.1
Also in this release are several very useful new capabilities. Both Bonita Community and Bonita Enterprise users will find:
- Accessible digital applications can be created with Bonita UI Designer
- Bonita projects are now built as Maven multi-module projects
- A new wizard allows you to easily configure dependency repositories, proxy servers, and mirrors
- An app can now be packaged and deployed autonomously with its own dedicated Bonita Runtime
- New Bonita API Documentation
Au revoir to multi-tenancy, and hello to multi-runtimes!
As the multi-tenancy feature in Bonita is now gone for good from Bonita 2023.1, Bonita Enterprise users have access to a conversion tool named MT2MR to split the current multi-tenant platform(s) into several Bonita runtimes. As mentioned above, you’ll be able to use Bonita Central to manage all your Bonita applications in one place.
Learn more about what’s in Bonita 2023.1 beta here.
Try it for yourself! And please leave us your feedback here.

If you have a Bonita Enterprise license, Download Bonita Enterprise and associated resources here.