Bonita & Bonitasoft  - 3min

What is a ‘living’ application?

What is a ‘living’ application?
September 11, 2018

by Adrian Bridgwater, Computer Weekly

Essentially open source Business Process Management (BPM) software company Bonitasoft has introduced its Bonita 7.7 iteration release.

This is BPM software with Intelligent Continuous Improvement (ICI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) capabilities.

The company says that its ICI play here is a route to building what it has called adaptable ‘living’ applications.

A living application then being one that can deliver changes in terms of continuous improvement, continuous integration, continuous deployment and continuous connectivity.

Bonitasoft ICI is described as an ‘application of process-mining’ to support human decision-making.

Found in this 7.7 release, ICI uses this process mining approach to Machine Learning (ML) to assists users in making decisions to avoid possible process bottlenecks.

In addition to real-time predictions, ICI also offers historical data exposure to build reports and dashboards for Business Activity Monitoring (BAM).

Analysis of process data could be useful for potential process design improvements, leading to continuous improvement that can be provided by the DevOps team with the other new Bonita offering, BCD.

The company says that Bonita 7.7’s BCD permits iterative experimentation and continuous improvement in development, applying technologies such as Git and Jenkins to support development collaboration and continuous integration.



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