
Datafrica Consulting

Datafrica Consulting is a specialist in BI, BPM and Big Data issues. Since 2019, we support our clients in their digital transformation and mastery of data from strategy to end-user by delivering high added value services.

Our DNA: deliver high added value services, with an incomparable level of commitment to increase the performance of our customers.


  • Company Size: 0 -100
  • Countries of activity : All African countries, France, Belgium, and Switzerland
  • Main Vertical: Banking

Common Value Proposition

Bonitasoft is the leading provider of an open source BPM process automation platform. After several successful projects managed with the Bonita platform, we feel strongly that it is the best platform to digitize business processes.

The choice for Bonita

Bonita provides wide connectivity with other systems (through connectors, APIs and more). Its extensibility is a strength. The CI/CD tool permits continuous delivery for developments. Bonita Cloud is a strong solution to handle hosting and scaling easily and it’s possible to automate a process quickly - in less than three months.


Want to know more about Datafrica Consulting and Bonita?

We are here to tell you more.

Let's talk

"Bonitasoft is an innovative company that is constantly improving the product and its services to allow its partners and customers to deploy applications quickly and with more agility. We love the Bonitasoft company culture and feel that this culture is shining through the product".

Ben Saïd SAFER, CEO of Datafrica Consulting