Digital Automation: the future of pharma and healthcare

Streamlining internal processes in organizations that touch on pharma and healthcare can contribute significantly to cost savings, compliance, and revenue generation - and even to faster time-to-market for life-saving drugs and better patient outcomes.

A global biopharmaceutical company, has seen better efficiency in their drug discovery processes using Bonita applications. SESCAM, which comprises a number of hospitals and patient care facilities in Spain, has seen both the number of screenings for colon cancer and the number of successful early treatments rise after implementing Bonita applications to manage screenings, treatment, and care.

In this webinar, we've discussed these two case studies that illustrate how the Bonita process-based application platform has already been used to build comprehensive and easily customizable solutions that integrate smoothly with existing specialized software.

Learn how any organization in the pharma and healthcare industry can use Bonita to:

* streamline and automate complex processes, both internal and patient-facing
* comply with industry regulations and simplify audit
* eliminate cross-departmental bottlenecks
* monitor and report on real-time and historical data