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Turns out low-code and no-code is valuable to professional developers, too

Turns out low-code and no-code is valuable to professional developers, too
October 05, 2021

Two in three IT professionals now see low-code as a workaround solution

In this article by Joe McKendrick for ZDnet, he explains how low-code and no-code aren't just about enabling citizen developers to get out and build their own applications, nor is it just about freeing up professional developers from having to build and deploy low-level applications.

Low-code and no-code solutions are also tools for developers themselves, making their own jobs easier and enabling them to put together business-critical pre-built application components rapidly.

He cites a recent survey conducted by Mendix shows 64% of IT professionals agreed that low-code is their go-to workaround development solution. As many as 59% of projects using low-code are a collaboration between business and IT groups.

Hybrid low-code + coding solutions are key

As low code/no-code platforms gain in penetration, enterprise software environments will become hybrid with a combination of custom coding for the most complex business processes and the use of low-code/no-code platforms for all other.

- Dr. Rod Fontecilla, SVP, chief innovation officer and chief data scientist at Dovel Technologies 

A hybrid approach may become the norm in most environments.

Nuno Pedro, head of commerce for SAP Customer Experience says:

A best practice in programming is to build reusable components, and with a hybrid low-code application platform a developer can, for example, code a connector to integrate an internal CRM solution and then share it with other development teams in the company.

The days of creating code from scratch are waning, but not entirely over.

A low-code approach includes drag and drop tools that developers can use -- for example, to develop APIs, or to integrate the application with other systems, or to customize front end interfaces. Platforms that offer a hybrid low-code approach are likely to be the ones most useful to mixed-skills development teams. - Miguel Valdes Faura, CEO of Bonitasoft

There may have been some pushback to low-code/no-code from professional developers, but now it is becoming part of many toolkits.

Many development teams are now realizing that drag-and-drop API access, data mapping and form building are big timesavers -- which don't threaten their jobs.

- Rod Cope, chief technology officer at Perforce Software.

Implementing tools that accelerate this work allows time to get to the endless list of more interesting, complex work faster.

And in cases when developers do need to sit down and code, they can still rely on their tried-and-true tools, platforms, and frameworks.

Read Joe's article in full on ZDNet

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